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Cover Story

Photos by Felice Kinnear

Local Talent Influences Vogue

Photos and cover story by Felice Kinnear


Oscar de la Renta Lives On

Photos and article by Felice Kinnear

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Demi Moore Bullish on Trafficking

Article by Felice Kinnear

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Tribute to the Stars Soared

Photos and article by Felice Kinnear. Camille Morrone learned a thing or two from her stepfather Al Pacino...

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Funke Converts Celebrities to the Carb Side

Photos and article by Felice Kinnear. Evan Funke has created a restaurant that galvanized the thread between Rome and L.A.

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Largest Hell's Kitchen Opens in San Diego

Article by Felice Kinnear. If Gordon Ramsay's cooking is worthy of 16 Michelin stars, his marketing deserves an academy award.

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The Hardest Wine Test in The World

Photos and article by Felice Kinnear. Dan Cools forges a path into a microscopic circle of wine experts.


Finding Umami During Lockdown

Article by Felice Kinnear

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Carlsbad Magazine 

"A Tearful Goodbye" by Felice Kinnear


A New Global Community

By Felice Kinnear. NBA Hall of Fame Legend Brings the World Together With a Virtual Bike Ride in San Diego


Shazam Makes $350 Million for DC Universe

Photos and Article by Felice Kinnear

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